What I wanted to do was to paint sunlight on the side of a house.E.H.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bizim Büyük Çaresizliğimiz "Our Grand Despair"

"Our Grand Despair" is the second movie -after "Kaybedenler Kulübü"- I went to the theater with high hopes but returned home with small impressions. The movie was first screened in Berlin Film Festival and then won awards in Nürnberg Film Festival. The producers are names we are familiar from the movie magazine Altyazı Nadir Öperli and Yamaç Okur.

The trend in the latest independant movies is the lives of trios that are in the fringe of friendship and love. In this movie, what was new was that the love-friendship of the men were not shaded by any other relationship. And the theme "love" was not drawn with its usual borders.
However the scenes where they walk with their eyes closed or where Ender shows Nihal "Catcher in the Rye" as the book he reads over and over are very standart.

Although the story is appealing the movie does not present anthing inspiring.

I found acting of Nihal weak as well. She was very artificial in some scenes for instance in her almost-intimate scenes with Ender or when she is suprised with his stories.

Although the movie is supposed to be a high rhythm one with humorous scenes when you look at the story, it is rather slow. It is a movie which is nice to watch and where sometimes it makes you laugh with the irony of the characters.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nine Types of Light

TV on the Radio has its new album about! Nine Types of Light.

Not so sure if it has the musical richness it had in its previous albums.

Last Night

The movie was a GALA in the Istanbul Film Festival. It well deserves it as it pushes you to think about what is trust, what is deceiving, to what extend you can resist. Two questions that came to my mind after the movie: Whose story is more appealing or irresistable? Who cheated more heavily?