What I wanted to do was to paint sunlight on the side of a house.E.H.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inside Jobs

The documentary "Inside Jobs" does not tell anyting surprising about the 2001 financial crises.
Everybody knows the crisis helped "some people" to be wealthier than before. However
a regular person, not in the field of finance, can well get a good grasp of how things relate technically among the mortgages, the banks, the investment banks and specultors. So, the documentary is more like a course, one should not expect the humor Michael Moore puts in his movies.
As a person who studied Economics, to me, it was a bit scary that all the theorists and -as they are shown to us in the university classes- "the big guys" of Economics such as Mishkin, Roubini are all consultants to the giant companies. It becomes so easy to see that what they recommended in the "modern" economic textbooks are actually what the demand of their clients are. Decisions and theoratical resolutions in favor of the managers of the companies. It is a pity how these people have literally no answer to justify their recommendations.
Well... everyone gets in the cycle, one way or another..

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